Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Year Resolution

There are too many deaths this time of the year –
Death of a father, a mother of three, a lovelorn cat and relationships.  
I spent a night in a hospital lobby,
Attended a funeral in the morning, a wedding in the evening,
Danced away a night of wake, a night of union after a long wait.
Slept over and ate-out with long lost and lasting friends,
Celebrated laughter, tears, suspended grief,
Shared our doubts, denial, dismissal, and disbelief -
all that was forgotten and now forgiven.
This time of the year amidst superstitions and ill omens,
Guilt-free and admitting failure,
I wrap my new years’ gift-
Knowing that dreams and deaths are eternal and endless,
That I would never know ahead who I am leaving and who is leaving me today,
And can only look forward to what I can create in these dreams among those deaths.

January 03, 2011

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