Saturday, September 17, 2011

Meeting an Old Friend

We are too honest to talk of things
Other than what they are,
You’ll feel a bit embarrassed but I don’t care.

We used to say we’ll meet years later
As kids we were then,
With bald spots on head
And tires round our waist.
We lost touch at one point, we both know why we left.
It’s never too late to catch-up, if you feel the same.
You do brand promotions, qualify as good parent,
I stay single( I call independent) disqualified from marriage market.
There is too much Heineken and hangovers on the weekends,
I crave for conversation and sweets as always instead.
How many more years do you think we’ll be spared?
I never imagined seeing you this old at 30 years of age.
I tell you, stop talking of the past you’d never live again
The disease you have is you wanted things too early,
Not knowing what they meant.
It is good not to have things too soon
You know there is a price for every achievement.
I protect myself away from peer pressure and rat race,
Thinking I’m different from the rest.
Doesn’t help anyway,
No pats on the back, someone saying that’s ok.

Let’s bitch together about life and everyone we hate
Pretentious and all too fake face lifts of facebook friends.
Affairs, adventures, promotions, next holiday getaway,
Getting over brainfucks and our poor defense.
Dinner and booze would be great, if they come from your fat cheque.
I will offer bed and breakfast at my place, the same address – my parents’.
We’ll stay-up all night, laugh until we pee in our pants,
There couldn’t have been a better time and place for a get together again.
Have you wondered why all on a sudden I rhyme too much these days,
Wait till I tell you, you can try doing the same.

January 09, 2011

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