Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free Fall from Bliss

A free fall from bliss
To the depths of misery,
Trails through a chasm of doubt, ingratitude and anger,
sinners pass without regret,
Invincible and without wound,
between the warring trenches of argument,
beheaded corpses of cupid, pickled fetus in jars .

Summon Israfil for a nuclear holocaust,    
A mushroom cloud is hanging over our smoking pipes.
Breathe in and multiply in millions
As white blood cells, crabs, leeches -
in your stomach, crotch, tongue and ears.  
Swallow the bullets, they grow back as words,
The tantrums are just foreplay,
before the killing spree begins in the next anatomy class.
The formalin smells great, scalpels ready for action,   
The incisions would be perfect, sewn back to just as it was
Only a couple of organs missing you never had any use for.   

The anesthetic is trickling down fast,
Go to sleep now, you’ll be spared the pain. 

May 01, 2011

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